Impact Alamance Responds to Sustained Needs Presented by the Pandemic

The continual effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are being felt throughout our county. For some, conditions are more taxing now than at the onset. Due to the sustained challenges facing our residents and the nonprofits working to serve them, Impact Alamance’s Board of Directors approved $170,000 to address ongoing needs presented by the pandemic.

“The purpose of these funds is to provide critical support to local nonprofits and charitable organizations assisting with the immediate needs of community members during the coronavirus pandemic, particularly those who were the most economically impacted. These funds will also assist nonprofits with general operations expenses, as many are currently experiencing a tremendous decrease in donations usually generated by fundraisers,” says Tracey Grayzer, President of Impact Alamance.  

The COVID-19 Response and Relief Fund is a one-time funding opportunity that will assist nonprofits with unrestricted dollars to support their operating expenses. Nonprofits who received funding directly serve communities of color and residents with limited English proficiency, residents without health insurance or access to paid leave, and community members who are considered low-income.

It is evident through data collected over the last year that the pandemic has disproportionately affected racial and ethnic minority groups. As we strive to achieve health equity, barriers need to be eliminated so that everyone has a fair opportunity to be healthy.

The following organizations received funding:

Alamance Aid

Alamance Meals on Wheels

Allied Churches of Alamance County

CityGate Dream Center

Crossroads: Sexual Assault Response & Resource Center

Diaper Bank of NC

Family Abuse Services

Piedmont Health Services

Positive Attitude Youth Center

Southern Alamance Family Empowerment (S.A.F.E.)

Women’s Resource Center

Young Musicians of Alamance

The foundation traditionally invests most of its dollars in strategic projects that will improve the health and wellbeing of children in Alamance County in partnership with local non-profits and government entities. Projects, programs and advocacy that build stronger systems, organizations and policies in the areas of community health and public education have been the strategic focus of Impact Alamance since it was founded in 2014.

Though the COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Fund is exhausted, Impact Alamance’s Community Health Fund is now open. The Community Health Fund is an annual, one-time grant opportunity for local nonprofits that seeks to improve access to care, education, or the economy. For more information visit

Impact Alamance will continue to work closely with community partners to determine the greatest needs. The foundation will also continue to fulfill its mission of hope, health and prosperity for all by strategically investing in strengthening the community’s grid of resources, including those gaps intensified by COVID-19.