Impact Alamance Plugs $30,000 into New Community Forward Projects

July 19, 2022 (Burlington, NC) – As part of its ongoing commitment to strengthen the county’s grid of resources, Impact Alamance awarded a total of $30,000 to three local organizations through the newly formed Community Forward Grants. The ­­­Community Forward Grants aim to empower communities while supporting new ideas, activities, projects, and events. The goal is to invest in great ideas and the people who power them. With a particular focus on historically marginalized and minoritized communities, the foundation hopes this new funding cycle provides residents greater opportunities for innovations, improvements and benefits.

“Through the creation of these grants, we’re working to increase opportunities to fund community-driven initiatives; engaging community members in a way that the foundation has never done before. We want to inspire residents to assume a greater leadership role in shaping their communities,” says President of Impact Alamance, Tracey Grayzer.

In this initiative, staff work with community members to compile project objectives and assist in finding a supporting nonprofit fiscal agent who will aid in successfully executing the project. Applications are then reviewed by Impact Alamance’s Equity Committee which makes funding recommendations to the Board of Directors.

The following investments were approved by the Impact Alamance Board of Directors on June 23, 2022.

Beyond Measure – $10,000

2 Teachers and a Pencil

Community members and local educators, Teresa Goins and Victoria McCall, will use funding to provide affordable, quality tutoring services to students in grades kindergarten through fifth in Mebane, Haw River, Pleasant Grove and Green Level.  Additionally, funds will be used to provide scholarships, curriculum guides and workbooks, STEM equipment, Chromebooks and a printer. Beyond Measure will serve as the fiscal agent for this project and will provide the facilities for the summer tutoring sessions. 

Burlington Housing Authority – $10,000

Community Engagement

The Community Resident Council is comprised of residents that live in Burlington Housing Authority locations. Their purpose is to discuss the needs of their communities and plan events and programs to improve the lives of residents.  Funding from Impact Alamance will be used for water play equipment, outdoor movie equipment, karaoke/sounds system, jumbo games, tents, community grills, etc., for several Community Days for residents of all ages.  Burlington Housing Authority will serve as the fiscal agent for the project.

Burlington Recreation and Parks – $10,000

Mind Over Matter Conference

Community member, Joshua Alston, is a professional Mental Health Peer Support Counselor and also a musical artist.  Joshua will host a Mind Over Matter Conference at North Park Recreation Center. The event will focus on four components including community involvement, safety, mental health, and music therapy. Funding will be used to provide music technology equipment, food, talent, marketing materials and for venue fees. Mayco Bigelow, which is part of Burlington Recreation and Parks will serve as the fiscal agent.

For more information about the Community Forward Grants, please contact Jewel Tillman, Community Engagement Manager at


About Impact Alamance

Impact Alamance seeks to bring the community together for healthy change. We partner and invest to achieve hope, health and prosperity for everyone in Alamance County. It is our vision for Alamance County to be a caring and connected community where everyone thrives. Since 2015, we have invested more than $14.8 million into our community, focusing especially on strengthening environments that influence our community’s greatest asset: our children. For more information about Impact Alamance, please visit