Guiding the Path to Womanhood: Alamance County, Queen’s Guidance Mentorship Program

Guiding the Path to Womanhood: Alamance County, Queen’s Guidance Mentorship Program

By Grayson Kelley & For Alamance Narrative Team

Photo Credit: Armani Graves

Like many young teenage girls, Armani Graves was searching for a friend and a mentor. Despite her adventurous spirit, Armani often felt lost amid the chaos and emotion of being a teenager. She was in a funk. One day, she asked herself: How can I take what I’m feeling and turn it into something real?

Armani made a plan at 22 years old. She created a program where young girls can collaborate and bond with older girls, the Queen’s Guidance Program. 12 girls entered the program in July 2023. Mentors ranged from ages 19-26 and mentees ages 13-18. The program continues to “fix crowns today to empower queens tomorrow”.

Armani has lived in Alamance County her whole life. She created a mentorship program where teenage girls felt comforted in a safe space with other girls who were experiencing the same struggles and feelings.

Queens Guidance allows young women to explore their creativity authentically while being open for creativity and honesty.

Girls can meet with their mentors for help with homework, take walks in the park, or even share coffee or tea in the morning. The program hosts one event each month. These events range from slumber parties, group bonding activities, and college tours. Armani really wanted to make sure that these women weren’t only feeling like they could bond with their mentors but also benefit their education. She wanted the mentees to have access to tutoring sessions and group trips to colleges in the area. 

Not only are these young girls grateful for this program but so are their parents. Parents are so thankful that this program has given a big sister to these girls. 

“I have three sisters and adore the bond I have created with each of them and would love to share that feeling with the mentees,” said Armani. Her youngest sister is a mentee, her other sister is a mentor, and her third sister volunteers for the program. These girls are given a positive role model to guide them through life from a different perspective that isn’t necessarily parental. 

Queen’s Guidance holds a women’s workshop each month on a Saturday. The last women’s workshop was held on March 31st at Rosebud’s Dance Studio. Armani and the mentors discussed friendships, relationships, participated in sister circles as well as bonding activities. In August 2023, the first women’s workshop was held, with 15 girls. Now, there are 20 mentees with seven mentors. 

Queen’s Guidance has created not only a fun and inclusive space for young women. Teenagers in 2024 experience a lot of adversity which can be stressful and difficult to navigate. Queen’s Guidance surrounds mentees with other girls that share similar interests and emotions. 

Sometimes it’s hard for teenagers to share and understand what they are feeling. This program is meant to bond a mentor and mentee. This unique relationship allows mentors to support and guide mentees in a way that parents cannot. 

“At times I felt as if the girls tended to lean on myself a lot, so prioritizing expanding the program was super important,” said Armani. Promoting Queen’s Guidance and showing support on social media has proven to be beneficial for the program by increasing awareness of the group and the importance of mentorship for adolescents.

“I have put my heart and soul into this project and hope to provide these young girls with continuous support and love,” said Armani. This project has continued to grow and surpass her goals while starting with 12 to now 26 mentees. Raising over $12,000 in grants and fundraising has supported this program with a positive impact to the Alamance community.

She hopes to continue to grow the program into something that collectively brings both older and younger women together to show support for one another. If you are interested in volunteering, becoming a mentor or mentee, please reach out to Queen’s Guidance by emailing Armani at You can also follow Queen’s Guidance on Instagram @queensguidance