Focus Areas

Creating a Healthier, Smarter, Stronger Alamance County

We believe that our community has a collective responsibility to ensure that all families have what they need to thrive. Right now, however, resources are unevenly circulated across Alamance County. At Impact Alamance, we’re increasing the supply of resources flowing through our community grid so that all families are connected to the services they need, regardless of their zip code, race or income.

We’re working to find and repair the outages in our community’s grid and turn the lights on where they’re needed most by investing our energy, time and more than $2 million in grants into our community annually. We support organizations, programs and policies that create a healthier, smarter and stronger Alamance County. 

Together, we’re focusing on strengthening the systems and environments that impact our children and their future.


  • To date, there have been 9 policy changes in the community as a direct result of our efforts through initiatives such as the Wellness Collaborative.
  • As of 2021, 88% of organizations that have received built environment funding have met or exceeded their proposed outcomes.


Healthier refers to both individual health and our community’s collective well-being. We know that healthy physical and social environments contribute to healthy people. When the environment around us is healthy, our bodies and minds are healthier too. This means funding work that builds healthy places to live, learn and play.

We support a healthier Alamance County by investing in resources and initiatives that improve access to healthy spaces and places, including playgrounds, splash parks, sidewalks and more. We also work with cities and towns to create nature-based areas and healthy community parks that provide places for children to play and families to have fun together, strengthening their connections to each other and the community. 

Together, we’re securing a solid foundation of quality resources and systems to strengthen our community’s physical, mental and emotional health. 


A strong start early in life lays the foundation for healthy growth, emotional and intellectual development, and positive outcomes in school and beyond. School systems benefit from a combination of tools and community resources. And we know that not all of the schools in Alamance County currently have the supports they need to serve their students, staff and families.

We support a smarter Alamance County by funding resources and initiatives that prepare students for school, careers and life. When we enhance the capacity of our school systems and strengthen the work of our educators, we equip the leaders of tomorrow.

We are committed to building the collective awareness and the skills needed to take on the challenges Alamance County faces in the 21st century. We believe that being smarter requires all of us working together and having courageous and honest conversations.


  • To date, a total of $666,862 has been invested into Teacher Leadership Academy Creativity Grants which has resulted in 54 projects throughout 28 different schools.

  • Since Alamance Achieves launched BookNook in our county, 122 students have been enrolled in the program across four after-school sites, and 929 lessons have been completed, including 163 reading standards.


  • About 55% of the Alamance County Racial Equity Co-Lab cohort participants reported having equity conversations at least once a week or more, by the end of the program, as compared to the 34% at the start.
  • As of 2021, we have spent $61,000 in Grant Writing Assistance and we leveraged 6.2 million.


Our community is more than a place or a group of people. We are a strong network, a grid of interrelated individuals, businesses, nonprofits, places of worship, government agencies, civic clubs, teams, schools and neighborhoods. Listening to each other, learning and building bridges to strengthen our community grid is more important now than ever. It’s the way to find common ground, celebrate our humanity and come together so that Alamance County flourishes.

We support a stronger Alamance County by funding resources and initiatives that strengthen community partnerships and connect a strong network of supporting organizations. This includes grants to nonprofits who are working to improve access to quality care, education and economic opportunity — all basic conditions for a healthier and smarter Alamance County.

We are more effective, more capable and more resilient together than we are alone. By investing in the strength of our relationships, we’re investing in a stronger community.