Alamance Achieves

Creating Pathways for Children to Thrive​

Alamance Achieves is part of a countywide collaboration to achieve four goals: kindergarten readiness, academic progress, high school graduation and career success. Its mission is to engage and align our community to create pathways for every child to thrive, from cradle to career.

Leaders in education, business, government, philanthropy, and community and faith organizations are coming together to work for the success of all children, helping them excel every step of the way.

Impact Alamance has embedded a team of “backbone staff,” who offer strategic assistance to elevate the community’s work. Staff members work to convene, connect and coach partners through a structured collaborative improvement process, harnessing the power of data and community perspectives to achieve big goals. 

Our work through Alamance Achieves creates a reliable grid of resources that can power the achievement of Alamance County’s children.

My vision for education equity in Alamance County involves us truly meeting children and families where they are, allowing families to truly be the experts on their dynamics, and providing more educational materials where children – particularly children of color – see their lives, their experiences, and themselves reflected.”