Our Mission
We partner and invest to achieve hope, health and prosperity for everyone in Alamance County.
What does this mean?
We strategically invest in community efforts to make sure Alamance County becomes a place where everyone can succeed – where we build solutions to our collective challenges together. We’re helping our children grow up to become healthier, smarter, and stronger by working to power a strong grid of resources across our county that deepen community connections and improve access to better outdoor spaces, schools, training programs and more. We believe this is the time to join together and stand up for all of Alamance County to ensure everyone enjoys hope, health and prosperity – in particular, people of color who have been denied access to resources, opportunities, and full participation for far too long.
We acknowledge that this journey will take some time, and we are in it for the long haul. We are honored and humbled to carry this mission out with our community partners in ways that bring all the parts of our community to the table.